Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Called to be watchmen!

Called to be a "watchman"limitlessforlife@gmail.comFor the past couple of weeks the subject of watching, waiting, and praying has been on the front burner.  You can't get away from headlines in your area or in the national news which speak of "being aware", "wish I had known better"; or the use of well worn phrases like "the facts are" or "in reality".  All of these phrases, and I know there are tons more, speak of looking out to see what is going on around you.
We can't get away from the need to be on the look out for events and activities which may have an effect upon us today or upon our children and future generations.

If you're on a computer and spend anytime on one of the several "social media" websites; you are either being asked to "watch this" or "be careful about actions or intrusions which could harm, or frustrate you and your enjoyment while participating on one of your favorite websites.  This doesn't even mention the facts of virus events, hackers, etc., etc., which are always lingering and malingering in the portals of cyber-space and may attack your computer unless you have the proper cyber "watchmen" on board your computer.  These are the watchmen which set and wait upon the "firewalls" for an attempted invasion from the digital Klingons of cyber Droiddom of our ethernet atmosphere.  This is the reality of the world we live in today.

However, the existence of tons of latest technological wizardry does not change the spiritual atmosphere created by God or any of His laws, or any of His ideas on what He says we should be watching for.  From the beginning of time God set in motion events which we were to look for.  The motions of the heavens and the stars and planets call for us to watch.  I have heard it said the reason the early men recorded in the ancient scriptures lived such long years was so they could view the entire movement of the heavens for repeated events which would have great significance for all future generations.  God wants people to know the times and the season, but not only "know" them, but to "understand" the meaning.

It's like you have seen something in the newspaper or on TV and the reporter is sharing all they "know" about such and such event.  You have their input and whatever facts they can provide, but do they really understand what it all means.  Now it's up to you to start sifting threw all of your acquired knowledge to make a determination of the value of this information and it's effect upon your future and the potential to effect future generations for good or bad.  This is truly a portion of the political season we seem to constantly endure. Yet life doesn't stop with the political events.  We all have a life which involves, family, friends, co-workers, or a person we see on the street or the local Walmart.  It's not just politics, it's life around us at home, on the job, in our cities, in our state and nation, the world situation, and yes in the life of the church. A good series of questions you might want to consider: "Who were the watchmen?"  "Where are the watchmen today?"  "What can I do to change the atmosphere around me?  These are are good and valid questions, but then I would also ask "What are you willing to do?" and "Where do you feel you are called to get involved?"

In some form or fashion we are all "watchmen"; this is not a gender specific calling, it's what we do as we look out for our own personal interests or the interests of others who we are connected with.     Likewise, God also watches us and all of His creation to find the right moment or season in time to release His promises.  The prophets in scripture were men and women who were given insight and understanding.  The Hebrew tribe of Issachar was the one noted as knowing the times and understanding the seasons.  God, is shown by the Prophet Jeremiah, to be interested in seeing with His own eyes what is happening upon the earth and in the lives of His creation.  God's purpose according to Jeremiah; "to show Himself strong on the behalf of those who are watching in obedience upon the things of God."  Jeremiah is quick to point out, if we don't watch and wait carefully upon the things of God we will have "wars" or great turmoil in our life.  (see II Chronicles 16. 9)  While this verse speaks to the nation it can also have very personal implications as well as we develop and live in relationship with our Father in heaven.

God has given us His word from the beginning, and He watches over His word and is very careful in how it is received.  King Solomon wrote a number of Psalms and Proverbs, many dealing with the seasons and the times of the Lord.  In Psalm 127 he wrote these words:  "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord keep(guards) the city, the watchmen stays awake in vain."  When we read and meditate upon the written words given by God to Jeremiah and Solomon in these examples it is important to understand God has promises which are going to change the vary atmosphere in which we live, and He is waiting to see them fulfilled.

In order for us to see them manifest we must learn to be watchful and mindful of the word of God. The Apostle Paul wrote these instructions to the people in the church of Ephesus:  "And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with ALL prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being "watchful" to this end...". (Ephesians 6.17-18)  This is a clear instruction from Paul on how to engage an enemy, and in so doing you and I must be "watchful".   Think back just a few moments and recall where I said we live and breath  in a spiritual realm in all aspects of our life. Life is not confined to just four walls of your home or local church congregation. The Apostle Peter used the concepts of "sober" (using clear and wise understanding of situations) and "vigilant" in our watchfulness, because we have an enemy who goes about seeking to destroy us.  (1 Peter 5.8)  The destruction doesn't have to be deadly, but it does concern all aspects of life.  These are the words from God to His people which are for exhortation,  instruction, and warning of the need to be well trained in our duties as a "watchman".

In a portion of Paul's concluding remarks in his first letter to the Corinthians, he said, "Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.  Let all you do be done with love."  The Corinthians were living in very unsettled times in all areas of their lives.  Paul is telling them the unsettling situations in life could bring great havoc in their life unless they determined to be vigilante, courageous, and willing to deal in the love of God; not in weakness or mere talk but in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Just as with those in Corinth, we must determine how we will apply what we know now and be willing to seek out what we are going to need for future seasons.  This is the calling of a watchman. 

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